AMIU is part of the £2,500,000 UK NIHR funded Global Health Research Group on Clean Household Energy for the prevention of Non-Communicable Disease in Africa (CLEAN-Air (Africa)). CLEAN-Air (Africa) is led by research experts, physicians and academics from the Universities of Liverpool, AMREF International University and Moi University (Kenya), Douala General Hospital (Cameroon), University of Ghana and Kintampo Health Research Centre (Ghana). The remit for CLEAN-Air (Africa) is to provide policy relevant evidence to support community transition to clean household energy (e.g. gas and electricity) in sub-Saharan Africa. By meeting Sustainable Development Goal 7 “Access to clean, modern energy for all by 2030” the substantial impacts on deforestation, environment, climate and public health from reliance on polluting fuels will be addressed. Read More
Ongoing Projects
- Evaluation of pay-as-you-go (PAYG) smart-meter technology to facilitate sustained use of gas for resource-poor households in Nairobi
- Evaluating the Potential Health, Safety and Economic Benefits of Liquefied Petroleum Gas for Cooking in Nairobi Schools, Kenya
Selected Publications
- Pay-as-you-go liquefied petroleum gas supports sustainable clean cooking in Kenyan informal urban settlement during COVID-19 lockdown: Applied Energy, Available online 23 March 2021, 116769 DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116769
- COVID-19 impacts on household energy & food security in a Kenyan informal settlement: The need for integrated approaches to the SDGs: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 144, July 2021, 111018 DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.111018
- Clean Cooking In Uncertain Times: Innovation In Kenyan Informal Settlement Helps Sustain Gas For Cooking During COVID-19 Lockdown (2020): A report by the University of Liverpool, UK and Amref International University for CLEAN-Air(Africa)