This course is designed to equip an individual with competencies for assessing the client, providing counselling services, crisis, trauma, marriage and family, medical conditions, guidance and counselling in learning institutions, addiction, child, adolescent, special needs and disability and workplace counselling services, as well as manage counselling services. The basic concepts and historical background of counselling psychology
• The basic skills and competencies of counselling psychology
• The knowledge of psychotherapy theories that serve as a base of counselling thought
• The institutional systems that serve as a framework of counselling professional activities
The program is administered both Internally and externally by TVETA as the main external regulatory body. The program takes 1 year- 3 semesters
Course objectives
The overall aim of the course is to establish core national and regional experts in malaria microscopy to promote implementation of quality malaria diagnostic services in countries across Africa.
The objectives of the External Competence Assessment of Malaria Microscopists course are to:
- Objectively and formally assess the competence of senior-level malaria microscopists according to international standards.
- Provide refresher training in all aspects of malaria microscopy based on standardised instruction and revision.
- Produce a concise report on the results of the activity, including, based on discussions with the ECAMM participants, preliminary observations for malaria microscopy quality assurance (QA) improvements in the country.
The course assesses essential knowledge and competences in all aspects of malaria microscopy, and provides competence levels according to the World Health Organization (WHO) approved grading system. Participants achieving Levels One and Two are expected to provide and facilitate quality training in malaria diagnosis, specifically microscopy, to improve the quality of malaria diagnosis at pre-service and in-service levels; and to support national quality assurance programmes. Participants at Levels Three and Four are expected to take steps to improve their performance and return after one year for reassessment.
Local Students
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D, or
Artisan in Counseling Psychology Level 4 , or
Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)
Students with Foreign Qualifications
All International students are required to get a Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) qualification letter
1. Demonstrate communication skills
2. Demonstrate numeracy skills
3. Demonstrate digital literacy
4. Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills
5. Demonstrate employability skills
6. Demonstrate environmental literacy
7. Demonstrate occupational safety and health practices Core Units
1. Assess the client provide 2. Basic Counseling Services
3. Psychological First Aid Services
4. Administrative Duties in Counseling Services Industrial Attachment 1
The course will be assessed at two levels: Internally and Externally. Internal assessment is continuous and is conducted by the TVETA registered trainers who are monitored by internal verifiers registered by TVETA while external assessment is the responsibility of TVET CDACC
As part of the continuous internal assessment process, trainees will maintain a portfolio of evidence of their achievements.
As part of the curriculum the student is expected to undertake two industrial attachments which is The Attachment is provided by the insitution
Career Pathways
Upon completetion the student can persue Bsc. Community Health, Epidemiology, Counseling, Medical Social Worker.
Why this course?
The course provide an insight of preventive medicine which is one of most critical aspect of universal health coverage. Currently the goverments across the globe are mainly focused on preventive health than curative, this is due to scarcity in the available reosurce
Course Accreditations and Recognitions
The course is recognized and approved by TVETA, TVET CDACC, KNQA and Ministry of Education and Health
Relevant Shortcourses
The student after completing the academic program can persue the following short-courses: HIV Testing Services, Adherence Counseling, First Aid, Health Care Assistant, Homebased care among others
- Overview
This course is designed to equip an individual with competencies for assessing the client, providing counselling services, crisis, trauma, marriage and family, medical conditions, guidance and counselling in learning institutions, addiction, child, adolescent, special needs and disability and workplace counselling services, as well as manage counselling services. The basic concepts and historical background of counselling psychology
• The basic skills and competencies of counselling psychology
• The knowledge of psychotherapy theories that serve as a base of counselling thought
• The institutional systems that serve as a framework of counselling professional activitiesThe program is administered both Internally and externally by TVETA as the main external regulatory body. The program takes 1 year- 3 semesters
- Courses Objectives
Course objectives
The overall aim of the course is to establish core national and regional experts in malaria microscopy to promote implementation of quality malaria diagnostic services in countries across Africa.
The objectives of the External Competence Assessment of Malaria Microscopists course are to:
- Objectively and formally assess the competence of senior-level malaria microscopists according to international standards.
- Provide refresher training in all aspects of malaria microscopy based on standardised instruction and revision.
- Produce a concise report on the results of the activity, including, based on discussions with the ECAMM participants, preliminary observations for malaria microscopy quality assurance (QA) improvements in the country.
The course assesses essential knowledge and competences in all aspects of malaria microscopy, and provides competence levels according to the World Health Organization (WHO) approved grading system. Participants achieving Levels One and Two are expected to provide and facilitate quality training in malaria diagnosis, specifically microscopy, to improve the quality of malaria diagnosis at pre-service and in-service levels; and to support national quality assurance programmes. Participants at Levels Three and Four are expected to take steps to improve their performance and return after one year for reassessment.
- Admission requirements
Local Students
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D, or
Artisan in Counseling Psychology Level 4 , or
Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)Students with Foreign Qualifications
All International students are required to get a Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) qualification letter
- Curriculum
1. Demonstrate communication skills
2. Demonstrate numeracy skills
3. Demonstrate digital literacy
4. Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills
5. Demonstrate employability skills
6. Demonstrate environmental literacy
7. Demonstrate occupational safety and health practices Core Units
1. Assess the client provide 2. Basic Counseling Services
3. Psychological First Aid Services
4. Administrative Duties in Counseling Services Industrial Attachment 1 - Assessments
The course will be assessed at two levels: Internally and Externally. Internal assessment is continuous and is conducted by the TVETA registered trainers who are monitored by internal verifiers registered by TVETA while external assessment is the responsibility of TVET CDACC
As part of the continuous internal assessment process, trainees will maintain a portfolio of evidence of their achievements. - Industrial Attachment
As part of the curriculum the student is expected to undertake two industrial attachments which is The Attachment is provided by the insitution
- Programme Fee and Funding
- More Information
Career Pathways
Upon completetion the student can persue Bsc. Community Health, Epidemiology, Counseling, Medical Social Worker.
Why this course?
The course provide an insight of preventive medicine which is one of most critical aspect of universal health coverage. Currently the goverments across the globe are mainly focused on preventive health than curative, this is due to scarcity in the available reosurce
Course Accreditations and Recognitions
The course is recognized and approved by TVETA, TVET CDACC, KNQA and Ministry of Education and Health
Relevant Shortcourses
The student after completing the academic program can persue the following short-courses: HIV Testing Services, Adherence Counseling, First Aid, Health Care Assistant, Homebased care among others