Fee Structure:
KES 218,900/USD2189 (Semester 1 = KES 111, 700/USD1117 and Semester 2 = KES 107,200/USD1027)
Non-East Africans will pay 20% above local rates for tuition and all mandatory charges
Entry Requirements
Candidates for admission to the Masters in Bioethics degree programme shall be holders of:
i. Bachelor’s degree recognized by Amref International University senate with a Second-Class Honors Upper Division or Second Division with a minimum of two years of relevant experience.
OR ii. Master’s degree in health sciences or any other discipline from a university recognized by Amref International University senate.
OR iii. Any other qualification as recognized by the university Senate
School of Public Health
Admission Enquiries:
Tel & WhatsApp: +254112352343
Email: amiuadmissions@amref.ac.ke
General Enquiries
Tel: +254 741 743 871
Email: enquiry@amref.ac.ke
The MBE is a two year blended programme (face to face and distance learning) delivered in 4 semesters. The goal of the programme is to develop scholars and specialists in bioethics who are knowledgeable, competent and transformational leaders with professional values and ethics who have the ability to teach, manage and undertake research in bioethics disciplines of study for the well-being of the society.
After completion of the course, the prospective learners are expected to be able to: –
- Demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts and theoretical perspectives in bioethics.
- Develop and use critical thinking skills to analyze information and situations in order to respond and act ethically with regard to scientific research, practice, and technology.
- Analyze and interpret quantitative data using statistical methods.
- Communicate scientific bioethics information effectively in a variety of formats, including verbal and written communication.
- Locate, analyze, interpret, critically evaluate, summarize and use appropriately bioethics information in the scientific literature.
- Apply the scientific method, including the roles of inductive and deductive logic and the applications and limitations of the scientific method, to generate hypotheses, then test those hypotheses by designing and evaluating experiments
The course is made up of the following 13 units: –
1) Philosophy and Bioethics,
2) Human Rights, Gender and Bioethics,
3) Law and Bioethics,
4) Belief systems, religion and culture,
5) Principles of Public Health,
6) Foundations of Health Systems,
7) Clinical Ethics,
8) Ethical Hotspots,
9) Research Design and Statistical Methods,
10) Research Ethics,
11) Evidence Informed Policy Making,
12) Research concept, proposal development and practicum
13) Thesis Write-up and Defense
Our thoughtful approach to admissions will help make your enrolment as easy as possible