AMIU Welcomes its First Cohort of Future Health Leaders

AMIU is proud to announce its first group of students for the newly introduced Bachelor of Science undergraduate programmes in Community Health Practice and Health Systems Management & Development.

The cross-cultural scholars will go through comprehensive curricula which will focus on improving primary health care and health systems in the Sub- Saharan region. The two courses are intensive on practise based learning to ensure students join the health sector workforce fully equipped to save lives and make a difference in healthcare.

AMIU Welcomes its First Cohort of Future Health Leaders
AMIU Welcomes its First Cohort of Future Health Leaders


Amref International University (AMIU) is an accredited institution of higher learning focused on training in health sciences and is fully owned by Amref Health Africa.

AMIU is founded on the experience and intellect of Amref Health Africa, which is reputed with over 60 years of quality and innovative public and community health interventions, training and education.

AMIU has nurtured leaders and shaped the future of public health practice in Africa for over 40 years under its predecessor Amref International Training Centre (AITC). Leading the way in health sciences education with a breadth of programmes.

AMIU is committed to progressively develop innovative programmes catering to the present and future needs of African populations.



Amref International University (AMIU) is offering a pioneering degree programme in Community Health Practice which seeks to address the shortage of trained community health practitioners in the sub-Sahara region.

AMIU has also introduced a BSc. in Health Systems Management and Development to ensure that current and future health systems managers are professionally prepared.

The two programmes commenced on 10th May 2018 and will seek to equip high school graduates and middle-level healthcare workers with knowledge and skills for successful implementation of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda.

Learn more about these courses and Apply Today for May & September Intake.
