Amref International University (AMIU) signs Training Partnership with St. Mary’s Hospital

On 11th June 2018, Amref International University signed a 5 year contract with St.  Mary’s Hospital to establish a training partnership for diploma and degree (BSc. Nursing and BSc. Midwifery) programmes.

The contract will also see clinical placements opportunities for student nurses and midwives being trained at the Amref International University (AMIU).

St. Mary’s Hospital is a prime and multi-specialty, tertiary care hospital under the management of the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi. It is founded on a vision of being a model Christian teaching and referral healthcare provider.  The Hospital’s mission is to provide compassionate and quality healthcare so that patients may have life to the full.  The Lang’ata branch of the hospital has 320 beds capacity with a total of 96 nurses of whom 7 are BSc in Nursing graduates and 89 are diploma holders. The hospital has 6 clinical consultants and 22 clinical officers.

Amref International University (AMIU) is an accredited institution of higher learning focused on training in health sciences and is fully owned by Amref Health Africa.

Amref International University (AMIU) signs Training Partnership with St. Mary’s Hospital

AMIU focus primarily on health sciences with a commitment to progressively develop innovative programmes catering to the present and future needs of African populations and currently has an Institute of Research, Innovation, and Consultancy and one School of Health Sciences with five departments.

The hospital and AMIU commit themselves to implementing health professional training, health system research and actively seeking potential areas for co-operation to facilitate holistic education for AMIU students.

The university and St. Mary’s Hospital are committed to enable health practitioners reflect on their experiences, gain access to new knowledge and insights in the field of health and health development, and provide linkages between participatory research and community based health development efforts.
