Incoming AMIU Student,
In line with the Presidential Directive issued on the Coronavirus, the Amref International University (AMIU) Senate has suspended face-to-face activities with effect from 16th March 2020 until further notice.
Our offices are however virtually operational, your admission still valid and registration process can still continue as communicated in our earlier mails. To register, deposit your university fee into the stated bank accounts then send a scanned copy of pay in slip through the email
Should the suspension affect our earlier opening date of 6th April, we will communicate the new opening date at the earliest opportunity. Meanwhile we continue monitoring the rapidly evolving situation in respect to the virus, and will share with you any relevant information as it arises.
We look forward to welcoming you to AMIU once the situation normalizes. Other than the regular numbers, (Admission office +254-0206993280; Enquiries +254741743871; Registrar – Academic Affairs +254-0206993249) regular updates and psychosocial support are available on 0110036348 and 0741743871.
Timothy Sato | Deputy Registrar – Academic Affairs
Amref International University (AMIU)
P.O Box 27691 – 00506
Lang’ata Road
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 699 3249
Cell: +254 720 825 383