This course is a two year programme offered through fulltime mode of delivery. The total duration of the course is 2455 hours which is equivalent to 64 weeks at 40 hours of learning per week.
Diploma in Counselling Psychology Level 6 is a competency-based TVETA approved program that is offered at Amref International Training Centre (The Amref International University-TVET Directorate). This course is designed to equip an individual with competencies for assessing the client, providing counselling services, crisis, trauma, marriage and family, medical conditions, guidance and counselling in learning institutions, addiction, child, adolescent, special needs and disability, and workplace counselling services, as well as manage counselling services.
Admission Enquiries:
Tel & WhatsApp: +254112352343
Email: amiuadmissions@amref.ac.ke
General Enquiries
Tel: +254 741 743 871
Email: enquiry@amref.ac.ke
Course Duration-2 Years – 6 Semesters (4 classwork and 2 for Industrial attachment)
Intakes: January/April/August
An individual entering this course should have any of the following minimum requirements:
a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C- (minus), OR
b) Environmental Science Level 5
c) Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)
d) Any other International qualifications should get approval from the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)
Our thoughtful approach to admissions will help make your enrolment as easy as possible.