Empowering Women in South Sudan: Amref Health Africa Scholarships

Amref International University, in partnership with Amref Health Africa, continues to champion education and gender equality in South Sudan. Recently, 15 promising young women were granted scholarships for a Diploma in Registered Midwifery through the Virtual Student Learning Centre (VLSC) at Maridi Health Science Institute.

This initiative not only emphasizes the importance of education but also addresses the critical need for skilled healthcare professionals, particularly in regions facing significant challenges in maternal and infant health. By empowering these women with education and training in midwifery, the program not only uplifts individuals but also strengthens healthcare systems and improves community well-being.

The Virtual Student Learning Centre offers a flexible and accessible platform, ensuring that geographical barriers do not hinder educational opportunities. Through virtual learning, students can engage in coursework, receive guidance from experienced instructors, and connect with peers, regardless of their location.

These scholarships represent a significant step towards bridging the gender gap in healthcare professions, where women are often underrepresented. By investing in the education of women in South Sudan, Amref Health Africa and Amref International University are fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

In conclusion, the partnership between Amref International University and Amref Health Africa exemplifies the transformative power of education and collaboration. By providing scholarships for young women in South Sudan to pursue midwifery training, they are not only investing in the future of these individuals but also advancing the overall health and well-being of the region.

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